Simplicity of a survey with the power of a diagnostic

Running an organizational assessment on Entromy is exceedingly easy. Our platform is designed to eliminate manual efforts and reduce the amount of administrative work required to conduct and analyze results.

Explore Our Technology

Executive-Ready Reporting

Generate executive ready discussion materials in PowerPoint automatically with a single click, saving days of manual work. Reports are intelligently organized and condensed with the most critical information your executives need to make decisions.

Overall Scores

High level view of how users responded to fixed answer questions.

Category Breakdown

Scores are displayed for each business area category and organized by key topic.

Performance Insights

Categories are ranked by overall average score to showcase which areas are performing well and where there might be areas of concern.

Performance Measured

The overall scores for common assessment questions are measured against other organizations.

Comparative Averages

Understand how similar organizations have scored and the typical performance ranges.

Key Business Areas

See which specific business topics your organization is performing well in comparatively and where improvements can be made.

Ranked View

The top 10 scores are ranked based on the percentage of users that either agreed or disagreed with a specific topic and question.

Key Areas of Focus

Understand which topics need the most attention based on your user's feedback.

Key Statement Scoring

The most critical statements are displayed in the order of importance and tagged with their topics

Digital Focus Groups

When answers for open-ended questions are submitted they are displayed to other users who can agree or disagree.

Powerful NLP Engine

The top comments and insights are voted on and scored to create a unified opinion among all your survey users.

Intelligent Categorization

Key words within user submitted comments are consolidated into high-level categories to provide a better understanding of the key points.

Relationship Mapping

Informal relationships between organizational personnel and other stakeholders are identified and connected.

Influencer Identification

Captures informal levers of influence within teams and departments to pinpoint high-potential leaders.

Accelerate Transformation Efforts

Leverage your top organizational influencers to develop strategic plans and lead the implementation process.

Detailed Scores

Total and average scores are displayed for each question and categorized by business area.

Powerful Insights

Understand the context behind scores by comparing the average scores across different user attributes like department, location, role, and more.

Heat Mapping

The easy to read chart is color coded to allow the results to be immediately understood and provide a powerful visual.

Assessment Templates

Entromy question sets are developed in collaboration with industry leading management consulting firms to yield nuanced insights to inform and guide effective decision making.

Assessments help your organization gain critical insights surrounding a specific event or organizational objective.

Custom questions can be added to any assessment template to focus on a specific function or business area.

Manage Users

Users are assessment takers. They can be employees within your organization, external contractors, vendors, or customers.

Easily import users via CSV, Excel, or connect your HRIS system.

Create custom user attributes to enrich the quality of insights and comparative capabilities in the generated report.

Create Dynamic Groups

Groups are used to add users to an assessment and are automatically updated when new users are added or attributes are modified.

Create groups based on a specific attribute like department, location, or role.

Easily combine or modify user groups to launch cross-function and whole organization assessments.

Launch Survey

The assessment is sent to user groups after it is set up. Insights can be accessed in real time as and when new responses are submitted.

In order to encourage participation, periodic reminders are sent to users who have not completed the survey.

Completed surveys can be viewed, modified, and re-launched from the admin dashboard any time.

Join the 200+ Fortune 500 companies, private equity and management consulting firms that trust Entromy to inform their decision making and drive value for their clients.

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