Accelerated Strategy Planning for Executive Team

Entromy enabled one of the best strategy planning sessions to date for the client
Entromy enabled one of the best strategy planning sessions to date for the client

Project Details

A leading technology company completed multiple global acquisitions. They now had a globally distributed executive team stretched thin with major efforts. They needed a plan to help them succeed in 2019. They were also facing major shifts in the market resulting in part from trade implications from recent economic changes.

Goals and Objectives

The company needed to gain insight into some of the shortfalls against the 2018 priority business objectives, and effectively plan for successful growth in 2019.They wanted to understand which projects were successful and investigate the reasons for less than ideal performance. The overarching objective was to know how to position themselves going forward to achieve their main priorities.

The Solution

Traditionally, they would have run a facilitated live session with the executive team supported by external consultants. However, the unprecedented number of critical issues required a much more informed starting ground, and a live discussion could have been disastrous.Entromy equipped the executives with superbly delivered pre-reads based on Entromy’s Accelerated Strategy Planning diagnostic.

The Outcome

In less than a week, and time-commitment of less than 20 minutes from each executive, Entromy delivered uniquely sharp and prioritized view with 100% of executives participating.We asked them about 10 questions, few open-ended, to create an aligned view that would be given to the executives before their strategy meeting.We started by looking backwards. We worked with them to define how well they had done in the past, what major obstacles were encountered, and defined the specific risks involved so that they would position themselves well in the market given where they were.It was so effective, some of the executives asked for more time to go back in and look at the ideas. Ultimately, the strategy session was spent not on getting on the same page, but focused on how the new information allowed them to start working on company-wide goals and implementation plans right away.We received incredible feedback from the client on how the strategy session was different. Suddenly they have gone from a complex level of effort to get to the objective, to a much more efficient way of running the strategy session.

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