Entromy’s support during COVID-19 disruption

At Entromy, supporting our customers through COVID-19 is our #1 priority right now.

Dear colleagues and friends,

At Entromy, supporting our customers through COVID-19 is our #1 priority right now.

In conversations with CEOs in recent days, we have heard first-hand the incredible disruption COVID-19 is wreaking on organizations. Employees are being shifted to remote work, parents are adjusting to having kids home from school, and the looming uncertainty has significant risks to businesses and productivity, both local and global.

As companies rapidly adjust to new realities and are transitioning to new ways of working, there is an urgent need for CEOs and leadership teams to guide their companies and workforce through these uncertain times. Many leaders are looking for solutions to understand how to support their employees and navigate this level of organizational disruption. They need to finalize plans, develop scenarios, build resilience, and adapt efficiently based on new realities experienced by their employees, partners and customers on the ground. Entromy is in a unique position to provide these executives with a tangible, nuanced and real-time solution.

Hence, we have curated a COVID-19 rapid diagnostic on Entromy’s leading platform to help leaders support the workforce, empower managers, mitigate risk, and communicate regularly with employees through this stage of unpredictability and turmoil, especially in the context of changing ways of working.

A number of our customers are already taking advantage of this solution. If you are an executive interested in leveraging this capability to understand your employees’ and business’ most critical needs in real-time, please email covid19@entromy.com.

Lastly, we’re pleased to amplify the recent publications of experts in our network. Below are a few guides containing the best advice we’ve seen out there, in alphabetical order:

We wish you and your employees health and safety during this time.

If Entromy can provide any additional guidance or support at this time, please reach out to our team at covid19@entromy.com.

Thank you,

Jan JamrichCEO & FounderEntromy

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