What does it take to truly create a consumer obsessed culture?

Entromy and the Institute for Contemporary Leadership recently completed a webinar with industry experts Tony O’Driscoll, global head of Duke Corporate Education Labs.

Entromy and the Institute for Contemporary Leadership recently completed a webinar with industry experts Tony O’Driscoll, global head of Duke Corporate Education Labs.

According to Tony O’Driscoll, building and sustaining a customer-centric culture requires “far more agility in collective decision making” and enabling greater decision making at all levels within a company hierarchy.

As the pace of change accelerates, individuals across the organization need the power to “take considered risks and make decisions, because that this the only way they can keep pace with the rate of change and allow them to thrive in this environment.” Additionally, measuring success based on operational efficiency metrics is no longer enough to compete effectively. Organizations focused purely on operational metrics and efficiency are at risk of becoming “so lean they are brittle and fragile,” and unable to quickly adapt to market disruptions. Rapid employee feedback is critical to pivot quickly and react to changing customer needs.

Entromy’s study allowed Duke Corporate Education labs to reach out to over 100 executives within MIT through its artificial intelligence and natural language processing to get the “benefits of a focus group with a scalability of a survey.”

Learn more at our 2018 Leadership Study at: https://www.entromy.com/leadership-study-2018/

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